Order Lifecycle
Order postage fee approval required

Order postage fee approval required

The buyer has created an order containing one or more packages that require pre-approval by the seller(s) for the estimated postage fee amount.

Actions taken to get here

The buyer created the order.

Actions the buyer may take

Wait for the seller(s) to approve the package postage fees. You can wait for the seller(s) to approve the package postage fees and the order will transition to order payment method required.

Cancel the order. You can cancel the order and the order will transition to order cancelled.

Actions we may take

We will cancel the order after 2 days. If none of the above actions have been taken within 2 days we will cancel the order and the order will transition to order cancelled. It is the responsibility of the buyer and seller(s) to carry out the required actions within the allotted time frames.

Last updated on 2 April 2024